Monday 18 January 2016


Bonjour all,

I will be sending home a math sheet which can be done each night of the week. For example, lundi can be done tonight, mardi, tomorrow, etc.

There are only 4 questions per night and they touch on what we are currently doing in math or what we have already done.  This will give them a little boost in math but won't overwhelm them!

Currently we are working on addition to the sum of 12 and soon to begin working on subtraction in more detail.

You can keep this sheet at home, or send it back each day in their sac de livres.

Have a great week!

Monday 11 January 2016


The activity is at Owl's Hollow this coming Saturday from 3-5. It is a free afternoon of play en français for children 0-6 years of age.

If you are interested in attending you must contact:

or you can call 902-854-2123

Sunday 10 January 2016



I wanted to show you this activity a colleague shared with me. It's a great little opportunity to speak French outside of the classroom in a different setting!