Sunday 12 June 2016

Week of June 13th


This Wednesday, June 15th we will be going to Camp Seggie. The bus leaves the school at 8:45AM so please make sure you are at the school before that.

The forecast isn't looking too warm but nonetheless please pack appropriate gear:
-lunch, snack and drink/water bottle
-sunscreen and hat
-bathing suit and towel
-plastic bag for wet clothing
-warm clothing (forecast is looking chilly)
-rain coat (forecast also calling for rain that day)

Thursday evening (the 16th) Canadian Parents for French will be having a Bingo night to celebrate Father's Day. This will be at 6:30PM at the school and you do not need to be able to speak French to come!

Happy Sunday!

Wednesday 11 May 2016


This Friday there is a hat day at the school. $1 to wear a hat; proceeds going to Cystic Fibrosis.

End of the year trip is to Camp Seggie on June 15th. This is a rain or shine even as activities can be done inside.

Bathing suit, towel, snack and lunch are required for the trip. Hopefully June will introduce us to a little bit of sun and heat, so sunscreen is important as well.

In writing, we will soon be doing poetry and working more on rhymes.
In math, we are continuing with geometric shapes and will soon be moving into measurement.

To go along with our farm theme, we discussed what we see aside from animals at a farm. There was great discussion as to why there are animals on a farm and the purpose they serve.

Eventually the topic of growing fruits and vegetables was brought up. The kids were so engaged that we started a "petit jardin" in the class. Each duo has planted seeds to 5 vegetables and are enjoying watching them grow as they water them.

We went early this week and everyone took out books today. Could you have the books already at home back to school tomorrow if you have not already done so.

Have a great week,

Monday 25 April 2016

April 25th


Coupon books were sent home last week. This is a Home & School fundraiser.

This Thursday is music festival. Kids in Choir will be departing the school by bus at 9:30AM Thursday morning for a performance at 10:15. Admission is $2 at the door and it is at Park Royal Church.

Grade 1 Choir, please wear rainbow colored shirts or dresses
 (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple or pink)

The grade 1 year end trip will be at Camp Seggie. Dates soon to be confirmed.

In math we have been doing a lot of skip counting by 2, by 5 and by 10 up to 100 counting both forward and back. If you wish to do some extra work at home on this feel free:
         eg. 35, 40, ____, ____, 55
               70, 60, 50, _____, ____, ____, ____

We have also started geometry this week and will continue into next week on this Unit.

There is no school for students on Friday.

That is all for now,

Have a great week,
M. Angelini

Monday 4 April 2016

Fundraising week


This week we are starting with some fundraising for Easter Seals at Spring Park.
Tuesday will be Crazy Hat (or hair) Day
Friday will be Pajama Day.

If you can, please bring a dollar if your child participates.

In writing we are continuing with personal retell this week.
We are also talking about verbs and how if it is plural we put -ent at the end in writing but do not pronounce that sound. eg. il joue ---- ils jouent

In math we are working on mental addition and subtraction. Feel free to work on this at home with your child especially up to 10 and working on doubles.

Have a great week!

Monday 14 March 2016

Pre-March Break


Thank you to all who made it to parent-teacher interviews. It was great to see you and chat about your child's progress.

This week we are mostly concentrating on our transportation theme. Today the wrote about what they plan to create tomorrow with the recycled products. They are excited to get building!

Class Dojo - It is possible to post pictures to your classdojo. Feel free to try this application out and                           post a picture of your child reading or doing some homework if you wish. This will                             give the kids another perspective of where French Learning can take place-at home!

In math we are continuing with addition & subtraction and seeing this in math centers as well.

Have a great March Break!
M. Angelini

Sunday 6 March 2016

March 7


This week we will be having parent-teacher interviews. I will be sending home your meeting times on Monday and hopefully the times will work well. There is no school for the kids Friday.

In writing we are continuing with Personal Retell. Last week we worked a lot on how authors find ideas when they write and we began working on adding detail to our written work--even if it is simply adding a word or two to a sentence.

In math we are continuing with addition and subtraction up to 18. We continue to work with many different types of manipulatives:

les jetons (little chips)
number lines
10s chart
place value

Reminder: the week before March Break we will be making transport vehicles out of recycled goods. Please bring some if you have any.

Have a good evening,

Monday 29 February 2016



We're jumping into a busy month of March with parent teacher interviews and our transportation theme before March Break.

I will be sending home the schedule for Parent-Teacher this week. Hopefully the times will work out for everybody.

We will be starting a theme on transportation next week. This will touch on different vocabulary, different modes of transport and to finish off the week prior to March Break the kids will all build their own type of transportation using recyclables. They will write and describe what they built and present it to the class.

If I could please ask you in the next weeks to come to bring to school any sorts of recyclables you may have and then "construction day" will be in class during March 15th.

Have a great week,
M. Angelini

Sunday 21 February 2016

100th day!


As you know, we will be celebrating the 100th day of school this Tuesday, February 23rd. Everyone will bring in their project and talk about how it represents 100 to them. The class seems excited about this!

Following the 100th day, there will be greater expectations towards French speaking in the classroom, both with me and with classmates. As most kids are already speaking lots of French with me, it is equally important that this is done among classmates as well during centers, snack and lunch (those times of independent work).

We continue to work on addition and subtraction facts and are currently focused on subtraction facts to 10. It is important that facts to 10 are acquired in both written and oral form before moving along.

Have a great Sunday,

Wednesday 3 February 2016

100th Day!

As many of you may hear this evening, we will be having a celebration in our class soon. We will be celebrating the 100th day of school. The students are excited for the celebration and gave lots of ideas on what they would like to do for the "party".

I am asking students to create a 100th day of school project to present to the class. This project is to be done on their own time outside of school. I discussed it with the students today and talked to them about all kinds of examples. If you google : 100th day of school projects you will see all sorts of ideas. Ex: lego creations made out of 100 legos, a necklace made out of 100 beads, it was even suggested today, an igloo with 100 pieces... The goal is that the student can count to 100 using whatever objects they choose to make their project. Each student will present their project to the class and other students as well. If the object cannot be taken to school, bring photos!

Monday 18 January 2016


Bonjour all,

I will be sending home a math sheet which can be done each night of the week. For example, lundi can be done tonight, mardi, tomorrow, etc.

There are only 4 questions per night and they touch on what we are currently doing in math or what we have already done.  This will give them a little boost in math but won't overwhelm them!

Currently we are working on addition to the sum of 12 and soon to begin working on subtraction in more detail.

You can keep this sheet at home, or send it back each day in their sac de livres.

Have a great week!

Monday 11 January 2016


The activity is at Owl's Hollow this coming Saturday from 3-5. It is a free afternoon of play en français for children 0-6 years of age.

If you are interested in attending you must contact:

or you can call 902-854-2123

Sunday 10 January 2016



I wanted to show you this activity a colleague shared with me. It's a great little opportunity to speak French outside of the classroom in a different setting!