Sunday 13 December 2015

Concert Week


In case of an inclement of weather tomorrow, Tuesday, the concert will be the next day, Wednesday, at the same time. 1PM

I just want to remind you that tomorrow (Monday) is the grade 1 Christmas concert dress rehearsal. If you can, please send black clothes with your child for this.

For parents, the concert will be Tuesday at 1PM in the multi purpose room.

This Thursday will be Spring Park's Christmas Shoppe. Feel free to bring some old items and for Thursday, the children can purchase items as gifts for their loved ones.

I will send a note home as to a date for our class Christmas Party!

Have a great evening,
Dominick Angelini

Sunday 29 November 2015



As we enter the month of December we will be learning and using related vocabulary for Christmas. This will be in our writing--which will be focused on writing letters (to friends, family and of course, Santa).

Christmas Concert: The concert will be held for families on Tuesday December 15th at 1PM.

Here is a website you can explore at home...

Have a great week

Monday 23 November 2015

This Wednesday

One thing I forgot to mention about this week: Wednesday students can dress up in their cultural garb or wear the colors of their family background.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Diversity Week


Thank you to all for coming to parent-teacher interviews. It was great meeting you all and chatting about your child's progress.

This week Spring Park will be focusing on Diversity Week--celebrating all the different backgrounds and cultures of our students and their families. Each morning we will begin with a National Anthem of a different country (represented by out students). Each day there will also be an activity of a different culture as well.

Class 1E will have a couple of guest speakers come in and do a presentation as well. If this is of interest to you, please contact me and we can try and make a time for you to come in.

Tomorrow I will be sending home a Family Tree activity. This is a great activity to do with your child to help them learn where they and their ancestors are from and can bring fourth lots of discussion. Please try and complete and return this by Wednesday at the latest if possible.

Friday will cap off Diversity week with a school assembly in the afternoon. Looking forward to it.

Bonne fin de semaine!
D. Angelini

Sunday 15 November 2015

Week of Interviews


I hope you are all having a great weekend.

This week is interview week! They begin Thursday evening and continue Friday afternoon. Hope to see you all.

Monday will be picture retakes.

In writing we will be continuing with descriptive writing.

  •  introduction
  • description 
    • this consists of the subjects age, likes, dislikes or any other descriptions.
  • conclusion 
    • at this stage in writing, the conclusion ends with an emotion (j'aime....parce que...)
This weeks words will be as follows
  • n'est pas
  • sur
  • sous
  • devant
  • derrière
  • à côté
The sound we will be focusing on is "eau" which makes the O sound
chapeau, beau, cadeau, oiseau

Have a great week!

Sunday 8 November 2015

Remembrance Day Week


This week is a short one as we will not be in school Wednesday for Remembrance Day. We will be back Thursday.

Last week we began descriptive writing. We will continue doing this for the month of November.

In math we are beginning to do addition & subtraction math facts up to 20 by 0, 1 and 2.

If you wish to do any work at home with your children, feel free to write facts on recipe cards and have them read back the answer. Doing this in either English or French is great.

exp: 7+2=                12-2=

This weeks words and structures that we will be working on are:

Je suis allé(e)
qu'est-ce que

Sunday 18 October 2015


We have a short week this week.

Wednesday evening is Spring Park's annual Spooktacular event. It is from 5-7 and children must be accompanied by an adult. It will be lots of fun, with lots of activities for the kids. We will also have an event called "Chase the Ace" which is an adult game and is similar to 50/50. There will be bbq as well, which I will be tending!

In class we will be continuing with the math terms "un de plus et moins" and "deux de plus et moins".

Here is a link to some videos

Sunday 4 October 2015


Tomorrow I will be sending everyone (except those with siblings in K) a brown paper bag. Feel free to put in any non perishable itmes for our food drive.

In math this week we are continuing on with numbers to 20 and looking at adding 1 or 2 and 1 or 2 less than a given number.
         One good activity to do here is with buttons or even drawn circles, ask how many there are and then how many if you add 2...

We're continuing with writing techniques in how to sound out new, unfamiliar words by stretching it out, proper writing techniques; punctuation (period and capital letters). Skipping a line and taking your time to do your best work.

Reading homework seemed to have gone quite well last week. The children will be getting new books tomorrow. One book a night is all I ask,  as I know families are busy, and to write it down an initial it.

Merci beaucoup!

Here is a link for some math activities to do at home

Sunday 27 September 2015


I hope everyone had a great weekend.

This week we will be continuing with writing traits. Last week the kids wrote some great stories where we worked on the "beginning, middle, end" concepts. We will continue with adding onto that as well as basic writing finger space between words, period at the end of a sentence.

Reading books will be sent home tomorrow. Your child can read the books with you and then they fill out the 'homework log' sheet and write the title of the book(s) they read. If you could please initial to verify you read with them that would be great.

If you find your child may be having difficulty with the books I gave them here are a few things you can do:

  • have them pick out words they can read.
  • show you how they follow from left to right using their index finger while you read to them.
  • ask them questions about the pictures and what they think could be happening.
In math we will continue counting in ascending and descending order from 0-20 / 20-0
We are slowly integrating skip counting by 2 and 5 as well up to 20 and back. Feel free to practice this at home as well

Another thing is that our Terry Fox Run is this week in the soccer field and are asking each child for a $1 donation. Merci!

Here is an alphabet song we have been listening to in class

M. Angelini

Monday 21 September 2015


Just a reminder about "Festival du livre" this week. Our class will be going in tomorrow, Tuesday the 22nd to purchase books at 9:50am so if you wish to send money with your child that would be great. There is also the option of family night, tomorrow as well, from 2:30 to 6pm where you can come in and purchase books with your child.

Have a great Monday,
M. Angelini

Sunday 20 September 2015

It was great meeting you at Meet the Teacher last week.
Last week I read with each student and will begin sending books home beginning mid-week. Along with that will be a sheet where your child will write the title of the book he/she read and you can initial.
The kids wrote a little book on Friday and we will continue with writing tomorrow.

Here are a few links to French websites; games, videos, stories, etc


Grade 1 french activities

Have a great week!

Friday 11 September 2015


We had a great first week in 1E! Bravo!!

With this blog you will be able to find weekly updates on important information which will benefit your child; including homework, websites and activities which will be helpful for learning. Videos! Songs! And all other things en français.

I look forward to working with the kids, the first week was awesome!
Bonne fin de semaine